The Blender Dimension is a universe seemingly filled with blenders and nothing else. Due to its deadly nature, anyone who attempts to set foot inside of it is instantly killed, rendering the dimension as a whole uninhabitable and unexplorable except for any potentially native species who would already be acclimated to the harsh environment.
Rick (J-22) went on a rampage after not receiving a promotion at his workplace and feeling less than other Ricks. He stormed the Flavor Core and held Simple Rick hostage, with the demand for an untraceable portal gun. Once received, Rick (J-22) opened a portal and pushed Simple Rick through it to his death, unaware (or even possibly suspecting) that the coordinates had been internally pre-set for the Blender Dimension.
President Morty used these coordinates, along with several other hazardous portal destinations to cull The Citadel of the inhabitants in preparation to finalize his Interdimensional Drive Protocol. Utilizing a gargantuan amount of portal fluid and the blood of Operation Phoenix clones (ironically being forcibly rerouted into "blender trapped" vats), he was able to plunge himself through the outer limits of the barrier which separated the Central Finite Curve from the rest of reality. Before these events transpired however, President Morty attempted to use a blender dimension trapped portal to underhandedly kill Rick C-137 following the abrupt ending of their dinner.
Season 3[]
Season 5[]
- Pre-setting a portal gun's destination to this dimension is said to be "the oldest trick in the book" by Rick (J-22).