All of the characters that appear in the Rick and Morty franchise.
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All items (702)
- Abandoned Jerrys
- Abrodolph Lincoler
- Adam
- Adjudicator Rick
- Afro Rick
- Agent Gribbles
- Alan Rails
- Albert Einstein
- Alexander
- Alien Googah
- Alien Morty
- Alien Rick
- Alphabetrians
- Alyson Hannigan
- Amber Bunks
- Amfiddians
- Amish Cyborg
- Annie
- Annika
- Antenna Morty
- Ants in my Eyes Johnson
- Ants in my Eyes Morty
- Aqua Morty
- Aqua Rick
- Arm Head Mutant Morty
- Armagheadon
- Armothy
- Arthricia
- Artist Morty
- Attila Starwar
- Audit Observer
- Baby Legs
- Baby Wizard
- Balthromaw
- Beebo
- Benjamin
- Bepisians
- Bertie
- Beta-Seven
- Beth Sanchez (C-137)
- Beth Sanchez (C-500A)
- Beth Sanchez (Simple Rick's Dimension)
- Beth Smith
- Beth Smith (304-X)
- Beth Smith (5126)
- Beth Smith (C-132)
- Beth Smith (C-290)
- Beth Smith (Evil Rick's Target Dimension)
- Beth Smith (Parmesan Dimension)
- Beth Smith Prime
- Beth's Mytholog
- Big Boobed Waitress
- Big Doug
- Big Fat Rick
- Big Morty
- Big Morty's Bodyguard Mortys
- Big-Head Morty
- Bigfoot
- Bill (Dog)
- Birddaughter
- Birdperson
- Blamphs
- Blazen
- Blim Blam
- Blue Footprint Guy
- Blue Shirt Morty
- Bobby Moynihan
- Boobloosians
- Bootleg Portal Chemist Rick
- Borpocians
- Bova
- Brad
- Brad Anderson
- Brosephamons
- Bruce Chutback
- Bullies
- Butter Robot (Fortnite)
- Buttmouth
- Calypso
- Canklanker Thom
- Catogami
- Cecelia
- Centaur
- Chris
- Chris (The Ricks Must Be Crazy)
- Chud King
- Churry
- Chuxly
- Clone 5617B
- Colossus
- Comedian
- Commander Rick
- Concerto
- Connie TinuityError
- Conroy
- Cookie Magneto
- Cool Rick
- Coop
- Cornvelious Daniel
- Council of Ricks
- Courier Flap
- Cousin Nicky
- Crocubot
- Cromulons
- Cronenberg Morty
- Cronenberg Rick
- Crop Top Morty
- Crowscare
- Crustolomons
- Crystallized Morty
- Cult Leader Morty
- Curly-haired Rick
- Cyclops Morty
- Cyclops Rick
- Cynthia
- Cynthia (Rixty Minutes)
- Dale
- Dale's Son
- Dangelians
- Daphne
- Daron Jefferson
- Darth Poopybutthole
- Dave
- David Letterman
- David Prime
- Davin
- Da’hou Ungherstahnk
- Decimal Point
- Diablo Verde
- Diane Sanchez
- Diesel Weasel
- Dimensional travel family
- Dipper and Mabel Mortys
- Diseases
- Disheveled Rick
- Doctor Buckles
- Donna Guterman
- Doofus Rick
- Doom-Nomitron
- Dougie
- Dr. Glip-Glop
- Dr. Schmidt
- Dr. Wong
- Dr. Xenon Bloom
- Drippy Boy
- Duck with Muscles
- Dwayne