Rick and Morty Wiki
Rick and Morty Wiki

I'm your agent, and I own you. You do what I want, and when I want.
— Cecelia to Mr. Poopybutthole.

Cecelia is the main antagonist of "Rick and Morty: Lil’ Poopy Superstar". She was a greedy talent agent who wanted to force Mr. Poopybutthole to star in several movies.



In the past, Cecelia and Mr. Poopybutthole worked together as talent agent and actor respectively. As a result, she became rich and he became famous.

However, Cecelia was very abusive and never allowed Mr. Poopybutthole to leave the studio, so he ran away to Earth. Cecelia lost plenty of money as a result of this, but she didn’t give up and prepared a schedule for when Mr. Poopybutthole comes back.[1]

Rick and Morty: Lil’ Poopy Superstar[]

Mr. Poopybutthole was brought to Cecelia’s studio after everyone assumed that he had been “brainwashed” by Summer. There, Cecelia expressed her anger at Mr. Poopybutthole for leaving, and announced that she’s gonna have him imprisoned again and force him to appear in plenty of other movies and commercials.

During the brief time in which she allowed Mr. Poopybutthole to go to the bathroom, Summer appeared in order to rescue him. Cecelia ordered Bertie to shoot Summer, but Bertie missed and accidentally destroyed Mr. Poopybutthole’s hat. With his hat gone, Cecelia no longer saw any value in him. Summer then used the Portal Gun so she and Mr. Poopybutthole can go back to Earth. The portal she created damaged Cecelia, burning half of her face.[1]

Annoyed because Summer took Mr. Poopybutthole to prom instead of him, Rick Sanchez went to Mr. Poopybutthole's Planet and brought Cecelia to the prom. At that point, Cecelia wanted to kill Mr. Poopybutthole so that nobody else could have him.

After Rick pulled out his gun, she tried to run away. Rick tried to intervene, but accidentally shot Mr. Poopybutthole instead of Cecelia. The latter was then killed by Summer.[2]

