Dimension C-500A is an alternate dimension introduced in "Rixty Minutes", in this dimension, the Smith siblings, Summer and Morty, were never born.
In this dimension, Jerry Smith and Beth Sanchez went to the high school prom, and Beth got pregnant at the age of 17 years old, however, the couple had a peaceful journey as they headed to the abortion clinic, and Beth managed to have an abortion. As a result, Jerry became a famous actor (appearing in Cloud Atlas instead of Tom Hanks, as well as winning an Academy Award for another film) and Beth became a famous surgeon.
Beth never married at all and became a lonely single woman who drank large quantities of wine and housed an abnormal number of exotic birds. Jerry, while popular, was miserable and took solace in drugs (namely cocaine with Johnny Depp).
After a failed film, he had a nervous breakdown and broke out on a rampage which led to a slow-speed chase where he promptly went to Beth's home with the police in hot pursuit and confessed his love to her. This was witnessed by the Beth Smith through the Inter-Dimensional Goggles.
Jerry and Beth later publicly announced their fourth breakup over the spans of four months at the Golden Globes. Jerry rebounded from the failure of "Last Will and Testimeow: Weekend at Dead Cat Lady's House II" by starring in the surprise hit "Cloud Atlas 2: Too Atlas, Too Furious."[1]
Known Inhabitants[]
- Jerry Smith (C-500A)
- Beth Sanchez (C-500A)
- Rick Sanchez (C-500) (Deleted scene only)
- Alternate David Letterman
- Alternate Kristen Stewart
- Alternate Johnny Depp
- Alternate Leonardo DiCaprio
- Mitchell Reynolds[2]
- Michael Thompson (possibly alternate version)[2]
- Alternate Mrs. Spencer[2]
- Since Beth had an abortion, and she and Jerry never married, Summer and Morty do not exist in this universe.
- This, however, contradicts the later claim that Beths and Jerries are specifically set up together to make more Mortys. It's unlikely that the pair's reconciliation was part of Ricks' plan, due to them then birthing a Morty that would be much younger than all the others.
- In a deleted scene for Rixty Minutes, this dimension is called C-500 and it shows the Rick of this dimension, who proceeded to freeze and kill his world's Jerry when he comes to bring her bird feed.