The Frog Restaurant is a restaurant found in a frog city within the Gorgon Quadrant. It is also the front for Vermigurber's drug operations.
The restaurant is staffed by humanoid frogs, but owned by the fly Vermigurber. The back room behind the kitchen is used as his base of operations.
Tony ordered a club sandwich from this restaurant, delivered to him by the restaurant's Delivery Drone. When he left parts of it after using Rick Sanchez's private toilet, Rick tracked down the restaurant to be source of the sandwich. He confronted the owner, Vermigurber, about the sandwich and who it was delivered to. Vermigurber refused to cooperate, which Rick had anticipated and already threatened over half of his eight-hundred-thousand kids. Vermigurber directed Rick to find their delivery drone, which was off to fight in the robot wars at the Midland Quasar.
- The restaurant's name is written in an alien language, and resembles something like Vroos.