"Head Bent Over", also known as "Raised Up", is a song sung by Rick, Morty, and the President in the episode "Get Schwifty." Like Get Schwifty and Connection, the song was first used in Chapter 3 of Rick and Morty's Rushed Licensed Adventure as one of the songs on Summer's music player used to wake up Rick.
Rick: Alright.
Morty: Oh, yeah!
Rick: Uh-huh. Here we go!
Morty: Oh, yeah!
Rick: Say it with me.
Rick/Morty: Head bent over
Rick: Raised up posterior.
Morty: Oh, yeah!
Rick/Morty: Head bent over.
All: Raised up posterior.
Rick: Sing it with me now.
Rick/Morty: Head bent over.
Rick: Yeah!
All: Raised up posterior!
Morty: Alright!
Rick/Morty: Head bent over!
Morty: Oh, yeah!
Raised up posterior!
Critical Reception[]
As with "Get Schwifty," this song was genuinely liked by all of the Cromulons and the popularity of the song amongst them was entirely unanimous. This song was chosen to be the winner of the final season Planet Music as well as the reason why Planet Music ended. However, despite all of the achievements that this song managed to make, "Get Schwifty" is still more popular and iconic amongst real-life audiences.
- This song is most likely a reference to songs like "Face Down Ass Up" by 2 Live Crew and "Get Low" by Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz.
- The creators' proclivity for Miami Bass/Booty Bouncin' Music is also showcased at the end of the Season 1 finale "Ricksy Business" as the season ended with Rick, Summer, and Morty dancing to the song "Shake That Ass Bitch."