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Rick and Morty Wiki

Jerry Rick, formerly known as Burger, is one of the main characters in the episode "The Jerrick Trap". He is a mixture of Rick Sanchez and Jerry Smith's minds in Rick's body.


He first appears when The Garage attempted to restore Rick and Jerry. He started arguing with Rick Jerry until Chuxly called. But while talking to Chuxly, they still continued to argue with each other. When they decided to save Morty, they decided to use the Space Cruiser, but could not agree on who would control it. Space Cruiser threatened them: if they did not control it together, it would kill them both.

At Chuxly's, Jerry Rick and Rick Jerry continue to argue. Chuxly begins to get annoyed by this and decides to kill Morty, Jerry Rick and Rick Jerry. All three break through the glass of the window and try to break through to the Space Cruiser. Morty suggests that Jerry Rick use implants, but Jerry Rick can only create a cone on his head. Jerry Rick and Rick Jerry realize that they are similar to each other and stop arguing. They decide to use the cone on Jerry Rick's head as a weapon and pierce Chuxly's body with it, thereby injuring him.

When they returned home, they became friends and bought a lot of hamburgers. Morty explained to Beth that Rick and Jerry had mixed their minds. When they built a device to restore Rick and Jerry, they realized that Rick and Jerry were unhappy in their original form, and so Jerry Rick and Rick Jerry decided to live longer.

After their criminal adventures, they learned that Chuxly had kidnapped their family. Jerry Rick and Rick Jerry decide to create Jerricky to save their family, but both destroy themselves in the process.


Jerry Rick looks like the original Rick, but with Jerry's hair and a sewn-up scar on his head. Later, he decided to wear a Hawaiian T-shirt with yellow pineapples.


Rick Jerry[]

Initially, they had a very terrible relationship, but after that they realized that they were very similar to each other and became best friends.

Episode appearances[]

Season 7[]
