Rick and Morty Wiki
Rick and Morty Wiki

Stop being such a fucking tease, you sweet little twat!
— Mr. Jellybean to Morty as he forces himself onto him in a public bathroom stall.

King Jellybean (also referred to as Mr. Jellybean) was the secondary antagonist of the episode "Meeseeks and Destroy". King Jellybean was a giant anthropomorphic jelly bean. It was later revealed that he was the king of a poor village that Rick and Morty agreed to help.


Mr. Jellybean was the beloved king of an impoverished, medieval-style village located in a fairy tale world. During their adventure to bring wealth to the village, (part of a bet between them involving Morty picking the adventure on the grounds that Morty would lose if he gives up) an argument with Rick at a tavern sends a frustrated Morty into the bathroom where he runs into Jellybean. While Mr. Jellybean appears at first to offer comforting advice to the upset youth, his benevolent demeanor suddenly changes when he starts coming on to Morty until it becomes clear that he's a violently aggressive pedophile and rapist. He forces Morty into one of the stalls and tries to rape him until a sudden adrenaline rush gives Morty the strength he needs to beat Jellybean off, before anything happened to him.


Rick MAD RayGun

Rick fires his laser gun through the portal...

Following the traumatic incident, Morty emerges from the bathroom disheveled and tearful, wanting nothing more than to quit and give up the bet, followed soon afterward by the heavily injured Mr. Jellybean. Upon looking at the state both are in, Rick deduces what had happened and offers to give the money he had won gambling while Morty was in bathroom to the villagers, thereby completing the adventure and losing the bet to Morty.

Jellybean killed

...leading to King Jellybean's long awaited death.

The two also see Mr. Jellybean is the king of the village and opt not to meet him. Rick and Morty then return to their dimension, though Rick reopens the portal just long enough to kill Jellybean with a well placed shot from his ray gun as revenge for his actions.

S1e5 king jellybean

Beat up King Jellybean.


After King Jellybean's death, a statue is erected in his honor in the town square. An official is admiring the statue when a servant comes running up to show a box that he just discovered among the late king's possessions. The contents are never shown but the official's disgusted reaction strongly suggests they were sexually explicit pictures of young boys . When the servant asks what they should do, the official decides to burn the incriminating evidence, stating that the townspeople would "get more from the idea he represented than from the jellybean he actually was."


King Jellybean was a pedophile. He had a kind and friendly appearance, which he uses to lure in his victims, which masks his true nature. He is assumed to have raped many children (boys and girls) because his memorial statue depicts him standing behind a child, massaging his shoulders and licking him. It's also shown that his royal servants found pictures in his home incriminating him. They, however, decided to dispose of this evidence to keep his image good in the eyes of his people.

He seems to prefer boys around Morty's age via the reference of his statue and his assault on Morty.


  • One of the writers posted a joke on Reddit about King Jellybean wanting aliens to lick him.[1] It was later clarified that the King did in fact try to rape Morty and that he had committed rape prior to Morty showing up. 
  • This character is also in one of Justin Roiland's cartoon shorts on Channel 101 as Crumply Crumplestien, the host of a show called Unbelievable Tales. He is portrayed as a child murderer in the same short, cutting off two children's faces and sticking them onto his own. It was also shown that he is a pedophile when he stated “I’ve had my sexual fill” before cutting their faces off.[2]
    • Prior to this, his earliest known appearance was in one of Justin Roiland's comic strips, The Adventures of Brownie the Kidney Stone, which was published only in Roiland's Comic Sacrifice comic books. In issue #4 (1999), the titular Brownie the Kidney Stone raped a man and then was arrested and sent to jail, which he enjoyed, implying that he went on to rape other prisoners.[3] In the intro of Roiland's cartoon Tiger Wizard Suitcase, it can be seen that Brownie was also on the cover of issue #2 (1998), and he was white/flesh-colored unlike his later incarnations.[4]


ve Rick and Morty Characters
Main characters
Current cast Rick SanchezMorty SmithSummer SmithJerry SmithBeth SmithSpace Beth
Minor characters
Humans Abrodolph LincolerAgency DirectorAlan RailsAlbert EinsteinAlexanderAngie FlintAnnieAnts in my Eyes JohnsonArmothyBaby LegsBig DougBigfootBlazenBobby MoynihanBradBruce ChutbackBulliesChangColossusCookie MagnetoCoopCreepy Little GirlDanny PublitzDavid LettermanDavinDiane SanchezDimensional travel familyDwayneDr. WongEarl of EarthEddieEliEli's GirlfriendEric McManEthanFather BobFrank PalickyGeneGene VaginaGeneral NathanGordon LunisGrace SmithHemorrhageHephaestusHolly HooksHugh JackmanHunterHunter's DadJacob PhilipJacquelineJaguarJameyJan Michael VincentJeffJerry's school friendJessicaJesus ChristJimJimmyJodieJoseph CampbellJoseph LipnipJosiahJoyce SmithJudgeKathy IrelandLarryLeonard SmithLogicLord HenderfingerLucyMaggieMartaMarvinMarvin the Cowardly Security GuardMC HapsMitchMorty's GirlfriendMr. GoldenfoldMr. GoldmanbachmajorianMr. MarklovitzMr. NeedfulMrs. PancakesMrs. SpencerMrs. SullivanNanaNancyNarutoNickPaul FleishmanPonchoPop-PopPresident LelandPriest WitherspoonProfessor ShaboobooProfessor TockReal Fake Doors SalesmanRegular LegsRichardRogerRoyRubenRunning BirdSamanthaStacySteveStory LordSimonTaddy MasonTammyTerryThe President of the United StatesThe PopeThe WizardTickets Please GuyToby MatthewsTom RandolphTommy LipkipTommy's CloneTricia LangeUncle BarryVance MaximusXanderXing Ho
Aliens / Monsters AdamAlien GoogahAlyson HanniganAmber BunksArmagheadonArthriciaAudit ObserverBeeboBenjaminBeta-SevenBirdpersonBlamphsBlim BlamBovaChachiChrisChuxlyClass-2 ClonerbeastClone 5617BCoach FeratuConcept of TimeConcertoCornvelious DanielCromulonsCrowscareCrystal PoachersCynthiaDaleDale's SonDaphneDarth PoopybuttholeDecimal PointDiablo VerdeDiseasesDoom-NomitronDr. Xenon BloomEarl BunksEdna BunksElleEmperor Dread NoughtEyehole ManFartFear Hole DemonFleebFranklin RooseveltFred BunksFungoGaiaGalactic Federation PresidentGar GloonchGarmanarnarGazorpazorpfieldGeardudeGearheadGeneral Store OwnerGlarGlennGlexo Slim SlomGlootieGoboGoombyGreen AlienGreen Alien's sonGreen Alien's wifeHarold The Garbage GooberHelium-QHoovyHydrogen-FIce CubeIce-TInfinityJagoffJanJaphethJonJudge ObserverKearaKendraKevinKyleKing Flippy NipsKing JellybeanLawyer ObserverKirkland MeeseeksKrombopulos AmyKrombopulos MichaelKyleLawrence MapsLighthouse KeeperLil BLittle DipperMa-ShaMadame PresidentMagnesium-JMelissaMemory ParasitesMichaelMiles KnightlyMr. Always Wants To Be HuntedMr. Booby BuyerMr. ChimneyMr. FrundlesMr. MeeseeksMr. NimbusMr. PoopybuttholeMr. StringbeanMrs. PoopybuttholeNoob-NoobPawnshop ClerkPeacock JonesPissmasterPoopy Jr.PlanetinaPresidentress of The Mega GargantuansPrevious LeonPrince NebulonProsecutor ObserverPurge Planet RulerRebel DoctorReggieRhett CaanRisotto GrouponRoger Wayne MarderRoseScary BrandonScary GlennScary OldersonScary TerryScroopy NoopersScroponShlaammiShleemypantsShmooglite RunnerShnoopy BloopersSinistar-7Slippery StairSlow MobiusSlow Mobius's daughterSlow Mobius's sonSlow Mobius's wifeShrimply PibblesSperm QueenSquanchyStealyStickyStuSubject OneSulfur-PSupernovaTag-ManTanya RadcliffeTesticle MonsterThe President of the MiniverseTonyTony's WifeTophat JonesTrandorTree PeopleTriple TrunksTruckulaTrunk PeopleUnityVentriloquiverVermigurberVoltematronWorldenderYaarbZarbadar GloonchZeep XanflorpZick Zack
Human hybrids BirddaughterCalypsoCentaurElon TuskFlorflokMorty Jr.Octopus ManRick's FoalSqueebTicktock
Animals BalthromawBillChud KingCrocubotDiesel WeaselGiant Telepathic SpidersGibble SnakeIzzyLizard PeopleMillion AntsPonetaPussiferSlippySnufflesSquirrelsTalking CatThe KerblinTime BirdTruth TortoiseTough RatTwo Crows
Robots ConroyDelivery DroneDonna GutermanGwendolynHeistotronLady KatanaPat GutermanPurpose RobotSpace CruiserThe Garage
Alternate versions of the main characters
Ricks Adjudicator RickAfro RickAlien RickAntenna RickAqua RickBald RickBig Fat RickBootleg Portal Chemist RickC-131C-132Cat RickCommander RickCop RickCowboy RickCronenberg RickCurly-haired RickCyclops RickD-99D716D716-BD716-CDisheveled RickDumb RickEvil RickEvil Rick's Target DimensionFancy RickFascist RickFemale Doofus RickGarment District RickGiant butt-eating RickGoo Monster TargetGuard RickHologram RickHothead RickIndiana Jones RickInsurance RickInvestigator RickJ-22J19α7J19ζ7James Bond RickJerrickyJerry RickJohn McLane RickJosuke RickJuggling RickK-22K-83Little Ricky Wrap-it-upLizard RickMaximums RickimusMechanical RickMega Fruit Farmer RickMemory RickMorty RickNerd RickNerd RickPickle RickPlumber RickPrivate Sector RickQuantum RickRadar RickRegional Manager RickRetired General RickReverse Rick OutrageRicardo MontoyaRick D. Sanchez IIIRick Guilt RickRick PrimeRick Prime (Council of Ricks)Rick's cloneRickBotRicktiminus SancheziminiusRiq IVRobot RickS-223Salesman RickSimple RickShrimp RickSlow Jamz RickSlow RickSolicitor RickSpace Jam RickSupreme Guard RicksBarber RickTeacher RickTeddy RickThe Scientist Formerly Known as RickTiny RickToxic RickWasp RickWoman RickYellow Shirt RickYo-Yo RickZeta Alpha Rick
Mortys 304-X9-2184CAlien MortyAntenna MortyAqua MortyArtist MortyBald MortyBartender MortyBig Head MortyBig MortyBlue Shirt MortyC-131C-132C-290Campaign Manager MortyCat MortyConstruction Dancer MortyCop MortyCowboy Dancer MortyCowboy MortyCronenberg MortyCrop Top MortyCult Leader MortyCyclops MortyDipper MortyEric Stoltz Mask MortyEvil MortyEvil Rick's Target DimensionFascism-fighting MortyFascist MortyFlower MortyFreckled MortyGenius MortyGiant butt-eating MortyGlasses MortyGoo Monster TargetHammerhead MortyK-22Lawyer MortyLeft-Handed MortyLizard MortyLong Sleeved MortyMabel MortyMechanical MortyMorty Mart Manager MortyMortytown LocosPurple MortyRobot MortyRodent MortySimulation MortyShrimp MortySlick MortySpace Jam MortyTortured MortysToxic MortyToy MortyTrunk MortyWaiter MortyWasp Morty
Summers Summer Smith Prime304-XC-1239C-132C-290Evil Rick's Target DimensionEvil Summer CloneMechanical SummerNight SummerS-223Wasp Summer
Jerrys Jerry Smith Prime304-XAbandoned JerrysC-132C-290Clone HeadC-500AD-324Evil Jerry CloneEvil Rick's Target DimensionFemale JerryIdeal JerryJ19α7JerrickyMythologNight JerryPresident JerryRick JerrySelf-Congratulatory JerryWasp Jerry
Beths Beth Smith Prime304-XBeauty Mark BethC-1239C-132C-137C-290C-500ACat BethCowgirl BethEvil Beth CloneEvil Rick's Target DimensionGoddess BethMythologWasp Beth