Krootabulans are a species of reptilian alien warriors from the planet Krootabulon. Their culture is centered around hunting other alien species, their prey of choice being the Varrix.
Being a warrior race, Krootabulans idea of celebrating anything is to hunt. Presumably, these hunts are always after the enemy Varrix species (which nests on millions of planets), which they treat like vermin or parasites; however, it's not unheard of for them to hunt other species as well, including humans. A great hunt is celebrated with a new hunt, creating a continuous hunting cycle. Great hunters and huntresses are given domain over certain Varrix-infested areas in which to hunt.
Krootabulans engage in a soul-bond when they find a partner they wish to remain with. However, this soul-bond can be broken, making it similar to romantic relationships on Earth. The soul-bond is taken extremely seriously by Krootabulans, and they will often go to extreme lengths to preserve it.
Krootabulans utilize a verbal language with words different from English. "Uloo" is a pet name for a Krootabulan's significant other, while "Chaimuntolo" is the standard word of pleasant greetings either between members of the species or with members of another species.
Members of the Krootabulan species have blue scaly skin, a very large occipital region, three breasts, three fingers on each hand and large hollow ears (Jerry Smith also implies that they have two sets of private parts). Their head appears to host their ability to fly and accelerated run through physical objects as well as creatures, because their hair-like top points upwards at the back when engaged in a fight or chase.
Krootabulans are telekinetic creatures; when they use telekinesis, a purple aura glows around their active hand(s) as well as around what they are using their ability on. This ability is transmittable to other species by sexual intercourse, as witnessed with Jerry.
- Jerry hinted at Krootabulan females having two vaginas, which could mean that Krootabulan males have two penises.