The Merged Dimension is an alternate dimension introduced in "The Vat of Acid Episode". It is the result of Rick Sanchez merging many different realities together.
The Merged Universe is similar to the Dimension C-131, however, it was originally a bunch of separate worlds, in one of which Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith temporarily resided during the episode.
Morty asks for a saving device, and Rick complies, making it for him, and encourages him to have fun with it. Over the course of the next few weeks, Morty fiddled with the device he had, presumably resetting time over and over and over again. However, during one iteration, Morty got a girlfriend, who he went on dates and even a vacation on. Yet soon enough, Jerry found the device and pressed the reset button by mistake, causing Morty to lose his girlfriend by accidently going back in time to before he met her.
After a short state of depression, he goes to Rick, who soon reveals that it wasn't even time travel that he was doing. He was just killing various Mortys due to his saves and resets. Morty asks Rick how he can fix it, to which Rick revealed that he wasn't actually his Rick, and that he can merge the universes and Morty's alternate selves. However, this was not without consequences, as the various things Morty did stacked on top of each other, with law enforcement, dozens of anti-Morty protestors and the like crowding around the Smith Residence, being the stacked result of every thing Morty did with the saving device.
Rick then used this to his advantage, finally forcing Morty down the fake vat of acid, getting everyone to gradually leave. After the lesson was learnt, Rick revealed that he wouldn't waste their reality on a lesson, and that he would miss it because Johnny Carson was still alive and on the air, 9/11 never happened, and rocky road ice cream had peanut butter instead of marshmallows.
- Rick Sanchez (formerly)
- Morty Smith (formerly)
- Rick Sanchez (alternative version)
- Morty Smith (alternative version)
- Summer Smith (alternate version)
- Beth Smith (alternate version)
- Jerry Smith (alternate version)
- Jessica (alternate version)
- Mr. Goldenfold (alternate version)
- Morty's Girlfriend
- Judge (alternate version)
- Johnny Carson
- Sonia Sotamayor
- 'Acid-Proof' Cop
- In this universe, Johnny Carson is still alive and on the air and 9/11 never happened.
- The Judge who presided over Morty's case is still alive.