The Purge Planet is an unnamed planet that appeared in the episode "Look Who's Purging Now". It is a planet that exists in the Dimension C-131, and is home of cat-like humanoids. On this planet, everyone is very blissful and happy toward everyone because every year there is a purge, where all laws are suspended for the night and everyone is free to kill whoever they want, releasing their anger without consequences.
- The Purge planet is an obvious homage to The Purge franchise of movies, wherein the United States has made all crime including murder legal for a single 12 hour period once a year. This event significantly affected the lower classes such as the Homeless (who are seen as worthless to society), while the upper classes were able to afford security. In fact, the movie was mentioned by Summer and Jerry.
- Although this episode is heavily influenced by the movie The Purge it inhabitants are reminiscent of the society from the star trek TOS episode "Return of the Archons". Their attire and way of speaking are heavily influenced by this episode. There is mention of a "Red Hour" in this episode, and the people do engage in a purge of sorts called "Festival", Where violent crimes and even implied rape take place. The Lighthouse Chief even states that he has no interest in the "Festival" to further tie the two episodes together. The primary difference being that the society in the R&M episode is controlled by the wealthy, and the society in TOS is controlled by a dictator called Landru who turned out to be a computer.