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Rick and Morty Issue 45 is the 45th issue of the Rick and Morty comic series. It was released on December 19, 2018 by Oni Press and features the back-up comic story Adventures in the Public Domain Part 5.


Did you ever wonder 'man, I wonder what happened on that Cronenberg dimension?' The one where Rick and Morty turned everyone into Cronenbergs and then Jerry and Summer and Beth like survived a terrible body-horror apocalypse? Did you wonder that? You did? Bruh, this is the issue for you then.


The comic is set entirely in the Prime Dimension. Summer is growing increasingly sad, realizing that eventually her parents will die, leaving her entirely alone. Cronenberg-Morty then seeks her out, however, explaining that Cronenberg-Rick has become totally unhinged and evil - due to living with nothing but the other Cronenbergs, which from their perspective are just feral animals. Cronenberg-Rick has assembled a group of the most evil Ricks in the multiverse at his lair in the local observatory, to conduct a magic ritual to summon the absolute worst Rick, "Old God Rick" (a Cthulhu-like demon), who will destroy the entire multiverse.

Cronenberg-Morty managed to locate the Space Cruiser that this universe's Rick and Morty left behind on a rooftop in the city (Summer and her family hadn't found it because they avoided the denser concentration of monsters there). Jerry arrives at the last minute to help them fight through to the ship. Cronenberg-Morty intends to use the Neutrino Bomb in the space cruiser to destroy the evil Ricks before they can finish their ritual (which has apparently been depowered or deteriorated to the point that it will blow up the observatory, but not the entire planet). Morty explains that the ship won't recognize him as a pilot due to being a Cronenberg himself, so he needed to seek out one of them to do it. Summer knocks out Jerry so she can make a suicide run with the ship, explaining as she leaves that she realized she has no future in Cronenberg world, doesn't want to be totally alone there after her parents are gone, and this is her chance to be a hero for them. Jerry and Cronenberg-Morty witness the bomb detonating in the distance, killing the evil Ricks and (presumably) Summer. Jerry then heads back home with Cronenberg-Morty, saying his mother is waiting for him (implying Jerry intends to eat Cronenberg-Morty).

Backup comic[]

! This section requires expansion.








Development art[]


  • This comic is non-canon, due to "Solaricks" providing a different story on the characters' lives.


External links[]

Site navigation[]

ve Rick and Morty Comics
Rick and Morty (First run)
Collected Hardcovers Book 1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5Book 6Book 7Book 8
Volume 1 Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5
Volume 2 Issue 6Issue 7Issue 8Issue 9Issue 10
Volume 3 Issue 11Issue 12Issue 13Issue 14Issue 15
Volume 4 Issue 16Issue 17Issue 18Issue 19Issue 20
Volume 5 Issue 21Issue 22Issue 23Issue 24Issue 25
Volume 6 Issue 26Issue 27Issue 28Issue 29Issue 30
Volume 7 Issue 31Issue 32Issue 33Issue 34Issue 35
Volume 8 Issue 36Issue 37Issue 38Issue 39Issue 40
Volume 9 Issue 41Issue 42Issue 43Issue 44Issue 45
Volume 10 Issue 46Issue 47Issue 48Issue 49Issue 50
Volume 11 Issue 51Issue 52Issue 53Issue 54Issue 55
Volume 12 Issue 56Issue 57Issue 58Issue 59Issue 60
Rick and Morty: Lil’ Poopy Superstar
Volume 1 Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5
Rick and Morty: Pocket Like You Stole It
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Rick and Morty Presents
Volume 1 The VindicatorsKrombopulos MichaelSleepy GaryPickle Rick
Volume 2 JerryMr. MeeseeksThe Flesh CurtainsUnity
Volume 3 Council of RicksBirdpersonJaguarDeath Stalkers
Volume 4 JerryboreeThe Hotel ImmortalSnuffles Goes To WarMr. NimbusHericktics of Rick
Volume 5 Morty's RunBig Dumb Summer VacationBeth H.M.D.Time ZooMaximum Overture#100
Volume 6 The Science of SummerFricky FridayRick in a BoxMaximum Crescendo
Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons and Dragons
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons and Dragons II: Painscape
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons and Dragons: The Meeseeks Adventure
N/A Issue 1
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