The Adventures of Stealy is a TV show appearing in "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate," watched by Rick, Morty, Summer, and Beth. The episode viewed features Stealy stealing random pieces of items from an office location. After a man in the office notices Stealy and begins to question his actions, Stealy chloroforms the man and then leaves the office with the man wrapped inside his long, noodly arms. After this, Stealy is seen in his "Quiet Safe Room", where he reveals the stolen items of the day and their worth. This includes a chip bag, called "Bobbish," worth "eight brapples;" a plumbus -- which is worth "six and a half brapples," and a few SOLO party cups which total "fifteen and a half brapples". After the scoring, Rick changes the channel to a comedy music improv show called Funny Songs.
- The episode was originally sketched to be more violent and gory, with Stealy throwing a man though a window and hitting the sidewalk outside. It was cut because the episode already contained enough death and gore. This was mentioned by the creators in the DVD-commentary for "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate".