The Broken Rickmote is the first available quest in Pocket Mortys. In this quest, Jerry needs a new battery for the TV remote.
+ | + | = | ||||
Tin Can | Cable | Fleeb | Battery |
+ |
= | ||
Battery | Turbulent Juice Tube
Supercharged Battery |
"Rick! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!
The battery in the TV remote has run out and I can't find any replacements in the house. Can you find one for me?" |
Wrong item[]
"That doesn't work, Rick!
The remote is still dead. I need a battery!" |
Correct item[]
"Yes, finally! Now I can catch up on the episodes of The Personal Space Show that I've missed.
I found this wedged down the side of the couch. I think it's yours." |
"Thanks for the battery, Rick!" |